If you need to pay your bill, or if you have a question about your account, our team is here to help.

Our online billing portals give you 24-hour access to make a payment on an outstanding balance.

Using the guidance below, please select the appropriate link to make a payment. Alternatively, please contact our Customer Service teams Monday – Friday, 8am -5pm PST.

Date of ServicePatient Billing PortalPatient Billing Customer Service Phone #Patient Billing Customer Service Email
If your visit was on or after November 1, 2023, please use this link to pay your bill:  http://exer.webpay.md833-401-4311billing@exerurgentcare.com
If your visit was before November 1, 2023, please us this link to pay your billhttps://urgentmed.webpay.md833-212-4036billing@exerurgentcare.com
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